How Mark Abramowitz used the Clean Air Act to move the South Coast AQMD to Action

by Former CCA Executive Director and Board Member Mark Abramowitz Above: Mark receives a California Air Quality Awards from Past Board President Sabrina Schiller It was the summer of 1984, and I was a young air quality scientist for CBE, then called Citizens for a Better Environment (now Communities for a Better Environment). I had … Read more

ACTION ALERT: Urge California Not to Delay or Weaken Public Health, Air & Climate Standards

[message_box text_color=”light”] Update Thank you to all of you who contacted Governor Newsom and your legislators! California’s environmental rules aren’t going anywhere. “It’s not a moment for people to take advantage and try to throw out rules they didn’t like anyway,” said Kate Gordon, director of the governor’s office of planning and research and Newsom’s … Read more