Statement of Bill Magavern, Coalition for Clean Air Policy Director, on the 2021-2022 California budget and clean transportation funding

For immediate release Friday, June 29, 2021   “We are pleased that substantial funding for zero-emission vehicles and infrastructure was included in today’s budget, because cleaning up transportation is essential to solving our twin crises of air pollution and climate change. In particular, the record investments in clean trucks and buses will reduce the toxic … Read more

TAKE ACTION: Tell CA to #investincleanair and support clean, equitable transportation

California has the worst air quality in the nation, and more than half of our state’s global warming pollution comes from cars, trucks and the fuel they burn. Lawmakers in Sacramento are now deciding how to spend the record budget surplus. Join us in calling for historic investments in clean air. Urgent: Tell your legislators … Read more

ACTION ALERT! Invest in Clean and Equitable Transportation

Transportation pollution is California’s largest driver of climate change and the number one reason our state has the MOST polluted air in the nation. Thankfully, Governor Newsom and state legislators have a historic opportunity to approve major investments in clean and equitable transportation programs in this year’s state budget. This is URGENT: We must ensure that our state lawmakers pass a budget that invests in clean cars, … Read more