Coalition for Clean Air:
The Coalition for Clean Air (CCA) is a statewide organization exclusively dedicated to protecting public health, improving air quality, and preventing climate change. As California’s only statewide organization focused solely on air and climate protection, CCA empowers policymakers, businesses, and individuals to make informed decisions for cleaner air.
Our priorities include reducing pollution from California’s freight industry, directing climate investments to benefit the most polluted communities, and promoting clean air technologies.
Since 1971, CCA has led groundbreaking initiatives to reduce pollution by supporting policies and funding programs that cleaned up bus fleets, heavy-duty trucks, and passenger vehicles, securing diesel emission reductions at the San Pedro Bay ports, and helping pass a series of landmark climate change laws in California.
Recent victories include playing a pivotal role in the creation of California’s Clean Truck Check program, which requires pollution control equipment on heavy-duty trucks to be operating properly.
SEE MORE AIR QUALITY VICTORIES2025 Toast to Clearing The Air
For the past 20 years, the Awards have been the place to see and be seen by California’s leaders in the fields of air quality and climate change. We are excited to present our 2024 California Air Quality Awards. Help us shine a brighter light on those who’ve joined CCA’s fight to bring clean air to California.
Time and date to be announced soon!
Did you know that California has 7 of the top 10 worst cities for air pollution? But we can change that.
Reach 8 million electric vehicles on California roads by 2030
Train and educate the next generation about air quality through the All About Air Quality Bootcamp
Assure that California makes climate investments that directly benefit and empower disadvantaged communities
Support new South Coast AQMD regulations securing diesel emission reductions at rail yards and the San Pedro Bay ports
Usher in a new clean freight future at our ports and throughout the supply chain industry by supporting new rules and the development of new technologies that result in cleaner ships, trains, trucks, and equipment
Inspire millions of Californians to take action for clean air as part of the 8th annual California Clean Air Day