ACTION ALERT: Governor Newsom is attempting to postpone smog checks for heavy-duty trucks

ACTION ALERT: Governor Newsom is attempting to postpone smog checks for heavy-duty trucks

June 2, 2020

[message_box text_color=”light”] Action Alert Governor Newsom’s May budget revise cuts funding from and delays implementation of the smog check program for heavy-duty trucks established by SB 210. Email Governor Gavin

COVID-19: Both a threat and an opportunity for clean transportation

COVID-19: Both a threat and an opportunity for clean transportation

May 29, 2020

COVID-19’s public health threat is clear. In just four months, over 104,000 Americans have died during the pandemic. The virus’s death toll already exceeds the United States’ combined military fatalities

ACTION ALERT: Ask Governor Newsom to protect our air and our health during the pandemic

ACTION ALERT: Ask Governor Newsom to protect our air and our health during the pandemic

May 22, 2020

Powerful industries have been fighting clean California air for years, and some of the state’s biggest polluters are lobbying Governor Newsom’s administration to delay enforcement or roll back safeguards against

Chris Chavez: Particulate matter is a killer. The EPA can’t ignore science and protect polluters

Chris Chavez: Particulate matter is a killer. The EPA can’t ignore science and protect polluters

May 21, 2020

As someone who grew up in Long Beach and returned as an adult, I know air pollution all too well. That is why I’m proud to work for the Coalition

ACTION ALERT: Tell South Coast AQMD to take action on critical environmental regulations

ACTION ALERT: Tell South Coast AQMD to take action on critical environmental regulations

May 18, 2020

As agencies around the state and country work furiously to respond and adapt to the pandemic, the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) should respond to this major public

How Mark Abramowitz used the Clean Air Act to move the South Coast AQMD to Action

How Mark Abramowitz used the Clean Air Act to move the South Coast AQMD to Action

April 22, 2020

by Former CCA Executive Director and Board Member Mark Abramowitz Above: Mark receives a California Air Quality Awards from Past Board President Sabrina Schiller It was the summer of 1984,

ACTION ALERT: Urge California Not to Delay or Weaken Public Health, Air & Climate Standards

ACTION ALERT: Urge California Not to Delay or Weaken Public Health, Air & Climate Standards

April 3, 2020

[message_box text_color=”light”] Update Thank you to all of you who contacted Governor Newsom and your legislators! California’s environmental rules aren’t going anywhere. “It’s not a moment for people to take

Trump Administration Takes a Wrong Turn on Fuel Efficiency Standards

Trump Administration Takes a Wrong Turn on Fuel Efficiency Standards

March 31, 2020

The Trump administration has announced a rollback of the federal clean-car standards that protect our health from tailpipe pollution. The Obama administration enacted a mandate for fuel efficiency standards to

The Coronavirus, Air Pollution and You | What You Need To Know

The Coronavirus, Air Pollution and You | What You Need To Know

March 25, 2020

Millions of Californians are working at home to help stop the spread of COVID-19, including the staff of the Coalition for Clean Air. With such an unprecedented behavior change going

Free Transit for Young and Old: A Good Idea is Coming of Age in the Legislature

Free Transit for Young and Old: A Good Idea is Coming of Age in the Legislature

March 10, 2020

Three Assemblymembers are taking bold action this legislative year to make California the first state to offer free transit for key age groups. California is seeing higher fares for public

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