California Wildfire Health Effects – What it consists of, why you should be concerned, and how to protect yourself

California Wildfire Health Effects – What it consists of, why you should be concerned, and how to protect yourself

October 28, 2019

We originally posted the following article on wildfire risk almost one year ago, but the information is as relevant today as ever. Unfortunately, those who study climate change are showing

Clearing the Air: recapping the 2019 legislative year

Clearing the Air: recapping the 2019 legislative year

October 25, 2019

Another legislative year has come and gone in Sacramento; and it brought both good and bad news for air quality. Not only did 2019 mark the beginning of a new

Over 1.2 Million Actions to Clean the Air Taken across California on CA Clean Air Day on Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Over 1.2 Million Actions to Clean the Air Taken across California on CA Clean Air Day on Wednesday, October 2, 2019

October 7, 2019

Thousands of elected officials, Business leaders, non-profits, schools, and individuals take more than 1.2 million actions to clear the air on California’s annual Clean Air Day. LOS ANGELES, CA –

One Million Actions Pledged across California to Clear the Air

One Million Actions Pledged across California to Clear the Air

September 25, 2019

For Immediate Release September 24, 2019 One Million Actions Pledged across California to Clear the Air California Clean Air Day has collected over 1 million pledges for the Oct. 2nd

Statement on Governor Newsom’s Executive Order on Climate

Statement on Governor Newsom’s Executive Order on Climate

September 20, 2019

In light of Governor Gavin Newsom’s Executive Order on Climate today, Coalition for Clean Air Policy Director Bill Magavern released the following statement: “On a day when young people across

SB 210 Becomes Law: Trucks Will Have Smog Checks under Bill Signed by Governor

SB 210 Becomes Law: Trucks Will Have Smog Checks under Bill Signed by Governor

September 20, 2019

Governor Gavin Newsom today signed a bill to require heavy-duty trucks to finally undergo an emissions inspection and maintenance program, roughly similar to the Smog Checks that car owners have

Trucks Would Have Smog Checks under Bill Sent to Governor

Trucks Would Have Smog Checks under Bill Sent to Governor

September 13, 2019

The California Legislature today passed a bill to require heavy-duty trucks to finally undergo an emissions inspection and maintenance program, roughly similar to the Smog Checks that car owners have

Working with the Community in Maywood for Better Air Quality

Working with the Community in Maywood for Better Air Quality

September 3, 2019

[Project Partners: Coalition for Clean Air, Comite Pro Uno, Sonoma Technology, and LAUSD]  If there were a competition to determine the City that best exemplifies an environmental justice community, Maywood,

ACTION ALERT: Help us get SB 210 passed – contact your Assemblymember now!

ACTION ALERT: Help us get SB 210 passed – contact your Assemblymember now!

August 30, 2019

BREAKING: SB 210 just cleared the Assembly Appropriations Committee and heads to the Assembly floor. Will you help us get it passed? The fight isn’t over: Some polluter lobbies are

How Advocacy and Education are Complimentary in the Push for Clean Air for California

How Advocacy and Education are Complimentary in the Push for Clean Air for California

August 27, 2019

From the Desk of the Development Director When Hewlett Foundation President Larry Kramer called on philanthropy to do more on climate, it also marked a change in its own strategy.

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