Statement of Bill Magavern, Coalition for Clean Air Policy Director, on Governor Newsom’s Budget Proposal

Statement of Bill Magavern, Coalition for Clean Air Policy Director, on Governor Newsom’s Budget Proposal

May 14, 2021

For immediate release Friday, May 14, 2021 Governor Newsom’s proposals for historic investments in clean transportation, if adopted by the Legislature, would bring Californians much closer to a future of

Victory! South Coast AQMD Moves to Curb Air Pollution from Warehouses

Victory! South Coast AQMD Moves to Curb Air Pollution from Warehouses

May 7, 2021

The Coalition for Clean Air (CCA) applauds the SCAQMD Governing Board for passing a new warehouse indirect source review (ISR) rule, Rules 2305 and 316. The warehouse ISR, which passed

Southern California Mega-Warehouse Will Heavily Electrify Operations, Per Landmark Agreement Worth Up to $50 Million

Southern California Mega-Warehouse Will Heavily Electrify Operations, Per Landmark Agreement Worth Up to $50 Million

April 29, 2021

For Immediate Release April 29, 2021 Southern California Mega-Warehouse Will Heavily Electrify Operations, Per Landmark Agreement Worth Up to $50 Million   World Logistics Center settlement could spark industry trend

STATEMENT: Newsoms’s fracking and drilling phase out a first step, but more is needed

STATEMENT: Newsoms’s fracking and drilling phase out a first step, but more is needed

April 23, 2021

Coalition for Clean Air Policy Director Bill Magavern released the following statement in response to Governor Newsom’s directive to end permitting of new hydraulic fracturing and phase out oil extraction:

Advancing environmental justice through law

Advancing environmental justice through law

April 5, 2021

(This is the third in our series of three articles on 2021 California legislation. The first is on whether 2021 will be the year California’s Legislature moves forward on transportation

Statement on President Biden’s Infrastructure and Jobs Plan

Statement on President Biden’s Infrastructure and Jobs Plan

March 31, 2021

The Coalition for Clean Air’s statement on President Biden’s newly announced infrastructure plan: President Biden’s new infrastructure and jobs plan will jump-start the sustainable economy that America needs. We welcome

Atmosphere-Friendly California Legislation in 2021

Atmosphere-Friendly California Legislation in 2021

March 29, 2021

(This is the second in our series of three articles on 2021 California legislation. The first is on whether 2021 will be the year California’s Legislature moves forward on transportation

Comment Letter: Securing an Equitable Clean Transportation Future

Comment Letter: Securing an Equitable Clean Transportation Future

March 26, 2021

Dear Senator Gonzalez and Assembly Member Reyes, On behalf of the Charge Ahead California Campaign, led by the Coalition for Clean Air, Communities for a Better Environment, Environment California, The

Darnell Grisby: a much-needed voice on the Transportation Commission (STATEMENT)

Darnell Grisby: a much-needed voice on the Transportation Commission (STATEMENT)

March 19, 2021

Today Governor Newsom appointed Darnell Grisby to be a commissioner on the California Transportation Commission. This appointment comes as millions of Californians breathe unhealthy air from our most polluting sector,

Will 2021 Be the Year California’s Legislature Moves Forward on Transportation Policies?

Will 2021 Be the Year California’s Legislature Moves Forward on Transportation Policies?

March 11, 2021

[row] [col span=”1/1″] This is the first of 3 posts covering some of the key policy bills that CCA is working on this year. The 2021 legislative session is officially

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