CCA Applauds EPA’s Long-delayed Ozone Proposal

We applaud US EPA’s long-delayed proposal to revise the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone. The Clean Air Act requires EPA to create standards protective of public health based on the latest science, which shows that current standards underestimate the health impacts of smog. Though the EPA proposal moves in the right direction, the … Read more

Giving Thanks for the Air We Breathe

We Have a Long Way to Go Living in Los Angeles it’s easy to complain about air pollution when smog muddies the horizon and asthma, cancer, and heart and lung disease are more common than not. As an endurance athlete and avid outdoors-person, I often worry about the danger of exercising in a place with … Read more

How Did the Air Fare on Election Day?

For Californians concerned with our air and climate, this year’s elections have 3 key messages: 1) The dismal national picture makes California’s leadership more important than ever; 2) The resoundingly re-elected leadership of California’s executive and legislative branches will continue to push forward with programs to reduce pollution; 3) Huge oil company spending has a … Read more

Disadvantaged Communities Identified for Investment

On Friday, shortly before California’s kids started knocking on doors seeking treats, CalEPA  delivered its own treat to our most polluted and impoverished communities when it released the official Designation of Disadvantaged Communities Pursuant to Senate Bill 535 (De Leon). Low-income communities of color had been awaiting this step (which came a month late), because … Read more

Finding the Not So Obvious Air Quality Solution

As air quality experts we often know the potential impact of a project long before it comes to fruition, but we don’t always have the ability to do something about it. Sometimes we lack funding or the appropriate legal hook or the on-the-ground manpower. And then there are times, like this one, when we create … Read more

Pollution Reducing Help is on the Way for California’s Underserved Communities

Low-income communities of color have historically borne a disproportionate burden of pollution, including diesel exhaust from ports and freeways, toxics spewing from power plants and factories, and pesticides sickening farmworkers. To begin to redress this longstanding environmental injustice, Coalition for Clean Air led a campaign to pass SB 535, authored by Senator Kevin de León. … Read more

Legislators Charge Ahead for Clean Transportation — Now it’s Up to Governor Brown

As the California Legislature frenetically finishes its business for the year, prospects look good for proposals that would reduce pollution that fouls the air and changes the climate. Cleaning up our air will require a transformation in our vehicle fleet, and lawmakers have overwhelmingly approved 2 bills to put advanced clean cars, trucks and buses … Read more