In the fight for clean air, we tend to think of the big milestone moments. We can make a huge difference, however, when we pay attention to the ‘implementation’ phase of the policies that California has set forth. The Coalition for Clean Air and groups like us spend a lot of time trying to make sure projects fulfill California’s promise of doing better to achieve its public health, air quality and climate goals.
The following letter to Caltrans highlights how we are trying to change business as usual to ensure a clean air future for California:
There are many good projects on this list. It’s very encouraging to see so many active transportation, complete streets, and public transit projects being considered. Coalition for Clean Air submits this list of questions and comments, focusing on projects that raise concerns about consistency with the vision and goals for the corridor established through the work group and CLC process.
LB-ELA_0126 Slauson Avenue Corridor & Citywide Pedestrian, Bike, Transit Improvements
Why not extend this project east through Maywood and Huntington Park?

LB-ELA_0012 Garfield Widening
Project does not appear consistent with vision and goals, especially air quality, community, and mobility goals based on consequences of lane widening and induced traffic impacts.
LB-ELA_0078 Randolph Street Gap Closure
Project does not appear consistent with vision and goals, especially air quality, community, and mobility goals based on consequences of induced vehicle traffic and increased vehicle traffic in already heavily impacted residential communities. This appears to be an ideal location for a bike and pedestrian bridge or a freeway/river cap between Randolph and Gage that would link to residential neighborhoods.
LB-ELA_0108, 0109 & 0110 Add Dual Left Turn Lanes to Intersections
Need to carefully assess how these projects would impact VMT and non-vehicular mobility, and non-vehicular safety. Projects may not be consistent with vision and goals.
LB-ELA_0205 Arterial/General Roadway Improvements Program
Street widenings are likely not consistent with vision and goals, especially air quality, community, and mobility goals based on consequences of induced traffic impacts on increased VMT and pedestrian/bike rider safety.
LB-ELA_0133 Corridor Community Health Benefit Program
The “air quality improvement projects” do not reduce air pollution. They reduce exposure to air pollution. It’s an important distinction.
LB-ELA_0134 Corridor Energy Reduction / GHG Emissions Reduction Program
Some GHG reduction projects can increase emissions of toxic air contaminants and criteria air pollutants (e.g., the burning of green hydrogen in power plants). Projects should be screened to make sure they achieve the vision and goals by securing co-benefit reductions of air toxics and criteria air pollutants.
LB-ELA_0187 Community Greening

Projects should also include community gardens and community farms focused on providing low-cost locally sourced healthy food for community members.
LB-ELA_0196 Employment/Recruitment Initiative
First source hiring should be a part of all of these programs. They have the dual benefit of providing economic benefits and jobs to community members and significant reductions in VMT.
LB-ELA_0217 Freight Rail Electrification Pilot Project
Electrification of the Pacific Harbor Line locomotives should be part of this project or a separate project.
LB-ELA_0132 Pier 300 Wharf Expansion/Vessel Emission Reduction Project
Project is not consistent with vision and goals, especially air quality and community health based on consequences of induced ship, truck, and off-road equipment traffic and emissions. CCA opposes including this project for consideration as part of the LB-ELA Corridor Program.
LB-ELA_0038 710 Auxiliary Lanes
Project is inconsistent with vision and goals. Transportation conformity demonstration would be required. Project would violate Metro commitment not to widen 710 freeway. CCA opposes including this project for consideration as part of the LB-ELA Corridor Program.
LB-ELA_0180 Truck Bypass Lanes
Project is inconsistent with vision and goals. Transportation conformity demonstration would be required. Project would violate Metro commitment not to widen 710 freeway. CCA opposes including this project for consideration as part of the LB-ELA Corridor Program.
Various Projects
Project descriptions that include the words “improve” or “improvement” may be inconsistent with vision and goals, depending upon the specifics of the project proposal. It is often impossible to judge the consistency with vision and goals without additional details.