Coalition for Clean Air urges you to support AB 1550 Climate Investments for California Communities

The Coalition for Clean Air is thrilled to see SB 32 and AB 197 head to Governor Brown’s desk for approval. Certainly, California has done a lot to make sure that our fight against climate change brings jobs, investment and consumer savings to underserved communities. However, the California Legislature has a chance to do even more.

As soon as next Monday (August 29), the Assembly is going to take a final vote on AB 1550 (Gomez), which will guarantee that at least 35% of the money we raise by charging polluters for the carbon they dump into our air will go to help families that face poverty and pollution. These dollars will help families save energy and cut their utility bills, access clean transportation, plant trees in urban areas, and most importantly, helping clean the air in the places where pollution is worst.

Please click here right now to tell your Assemblymember to vote YES on AB 1550.

AB 1550

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