Eight clean-air bills the Governor should sign

Another summer of record-breaking heat and drought, combined with wildfires, shows the urgency of tackling our climate and air pollution crises. Governor Newsom can take the next step in reducing emissions by signing the eight bills below that are currently on his desk. 

AB 2097 (Friedman) – Eliminate Parking Minimums Near Transit

This bill would prohibit requirements for parking minimums in residential and commercial buildings near public transit, which would encourage more sustainable transportation choices and reduce housing costs. 

AB 2438 (Friedman) – Climate-Friendly Transportation Funding

For far too long, the state has funded transportation projects like freeway widening that increase harmful pollution. This bill would align transportation funding with the need to protect the climate by reducing emissions.

AB 2550 (Arambula) – San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution

The San Joaquin Valley continues to have the worst particle pollution in the country, so  AB 2550 would hold the SJV’s air district and the California Air Resources Board accountable for acting to reduce emissions. 

AB 2836 (E. Garcia) – Air Quality Funding

The Carl Moyer Program is a proven and cost-effective source of funding to replace dirty old diesel engines with cleaner new technology, so this bill would extend that funding for 10 more years.

SB 457 (Portantino) – Income Tax Credits to Car-Free Households

This bill would provide families with no registered vehicles $1,000 in income tax credits, giving incentives for households to shift from using single-occupancy vehicles to other modes of transportation. 

SB 1020 (Laird) – Clean Energy, Jobs, and Affordability Act of 2022.

SB 1020 would continue our state’s transition from fossil fuels to renewable power by requiring 90% carbon-free electricity by 2035 and 95% by 2040. 

SB 1137 (Gonzalez) – Oil and Gas Drilling Setback Zones 

Communities living near oil and gas wells can experience a number of health effects caused by lower air and water quality. SB 1137 would mandate a 3,200 ft health protection zone to buffer communities from oil and gas drilling. 

SB 1382 (Gonzalez) – Clean Cars for All

Taxes can be a burden for low-income buyers of zero-emission vehicles, so this bill would exempt them from state sales taxes when they make a purchase through the Clean Cars 4 All program, and also would improve the program’s outreach to low-income and disadvantaged communities.

The Governor signing all of these bills would help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, protect communities from air pollution and oil drilling, encourage people to drive less, and speed the transition to clean transportation.

Please consider contacting the Governor’s office to encourage him to sign these crucial bills! Click here for more information on how to reach his office. 


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