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Join us for the 2022 California Air Quality Awards!

June 17, 2022 | 12:30 PM – 2:00 pm



Patty Monahan | Commissioner, California Energy Commission

Nailah Pope-Harden |Executive Director, ClimatePlan

Volvo Group North America | Dawn Fenton | Vice President, Government Relations and Public Affairs

11:30 am – 12:30 pm
VIP reception – (select sponsors only)

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Lunch and Awards Ceremony
1:30 – 2:00 pm

The Center at Cathedral Plaza
555 West Temple Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

The Coalition for Clean Air has presented our highest honors to California’s leading policy-makers, business leaders and advocates at our annual California Air Quality Awards. For the past 25 years, the Awards have been the place to network, honor and connect with like-minded people who are leading the charge for improved air quality and lower climate emissions.

Our 2022 speakers are powerful women who represent the three-pronged approach needed to make change happen. By the time she was appointed to her role at the California Energy Commission, Patty Monahan had been instrumental in creating change at the USEPA, Union of Concerned Scientists and Energy Foundation. In her role as Executive Director at Climate Plan, Nailah Pope-Harden has worked closely with the Coalition for Clean Air to move our State transportation agencies toward a more equitable, climate-focused approach to how we move goods and people around the State. Volvo Group North America, represented by Dawn Fenton, has invested billions of dollars into the zero and near-zero technologies we know is required to achieve our ambitious climate goals. Together, they’ve helped the State make progress in very real, tangible ways.

Don’t miss out! Join us to network among the whose who of those working to improve in the climate and air quality space and help us recognize these amazing honorees. Purchase your (mostly) tax-deductible ticket today!

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Ticket Sales End June 15th

Thank you to our 2022 sponsors!

Platinum Sponsors


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Gold Sponsors


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Silver Sponsors


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Bronze Sponsors


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