The 2023 state budget: climate dollars at risk!

California Capitol

It’s that time again – the beginning of state budget season. But unlike past years, the 2023-2024 budget is in a far more precarious situation. The last two budgets enjoyed massive surpluses and allocated billions of new dollars for clean transportation and climate programs. This year, however, California is facing a significant budget deficit – … Read more

Fighting for Clean Air Project by Project: Proposals in Southeast LA Provide a Lesson in the Fight for Clean Air

In the fight for clean air, we tend to think of the big milestone moments. We can make a huge difference, however, when we pay attention to the ‘implementation’ phase of the policies that California has set forth. The Coalition for Clean Air and groups like us spend a lot of time trying to make … Read more

Zero-Emission Trucks Coming to Southern California

To meet our air quality and climate goals, we need to tackle some of the biggest polluters on our roads: heavy duty trucks. Though trucks represent just 2 million of the 30 million registered vehicles in the state, they are the largest single source of air pollution from vehicles. The California Air Resources Board study … Read more

Less than 2% is NOT OK

You’ve probably seen the headlines: “Wealthy billionaire gives huge sum to fight climate change”. Here’s the reality. Less than 2% of all giving goes toward fighting the biggest threat mankind has ever seen. Any guess what percentage goes to improving air quality? We would love to know! The amounts are so small they don’t even … Read more

Stories of Clean Air

picture of climate activists holding signs

Giving Tuesday isn’t about bragging, though we could point to big wins here and here and here. It isn’t about donor education, though we could point out that we have a platinum charity rating. And it isn’t about the results of our work, though we could point out that the smog we’ve helped clean up … Read more

The Legislature’s unfinished business: the 2021 end of session

California’s Legislature returns to the Capitol on August 16 to begin the four-week home stretch of this year’s session, with the fates of hundreds of bills to be decided. Here are some of the bills we’re working on: RELIEF FROM THOSE NOISY, SMELLY LEAF BLOWERS AND LAWN MOWERS Shockingly, the smog-forming emissions from small off-road … Read more

TAKE ACTION: Tell CA to #investincleanair and support clean, equitable transportation

California has the worst air quality in the nation, and more than half of our state’s global warming pollution comes from cars, trucks and the fuel they burn. Lawmakers in Sacramento are now deciding how to spend the record budget surplus. Join us in calling for historic investments in clean air. Urgent: Tell your legislators … Read more

ACTION ALERT! Invest in Clean and Equitable Transportation

Transportation pollution is California’s largest driver of climate change and the number one reason our state has the MOST polluted air in the nation. Thankfully, Governor Newsom and state legislators have a historic opportunity to approve major investments in clean and equitable transportation programs in this year’s state budget. This is URGENT: We must ensure that our state lawmakers pass a budget that invests in clean cars, … Read more