Despite budget cuts, some clean air wins

The 2024-2025 State Budget agreement represents a major setback for California’s climate and clean air commitments. For the second straight year, California will delay and cut hundreds of millions of dollars in climate investments. These cuts will impact California’s efforts to deploy clean vehicles, expand transit as well as build biking and pedestrian infrastructure. Further, … Read more

Legislative Wrap-Up: What does it all mean for Climate and Air Quality?

With the arrival of cooler weather, the California Legislature has wrapped up for the year and vacated the Capitol. This session has been a tough one for many climate and clean air priorities as many bills failed to gather enough support to pass the floor vote. At the same time, there have been several hard-fought … Read more

Updates from the Capitol

As the weather turns warm and sunny, the Legislative Session is in full swing, working on a yearly process that pushes thousands of bills through the legislative process. Most recently, the Assembly and Senate held a number of floor sessions, where members voted on every bill before them on whether it should pass to the … Read more

Less than 2% is NOT OK

You’ve probably seen the headlines: “Wealthy billionaire gives huge sum to fight climate change”. Here’s the reality. Less than 2% of all giving goes toward fighting the biggest threat mankind has ever seen. Any guess what percentage goes to improving air quality? We would love to know! The amounts are so small they don’t even … Read more

CCA OP-ED: Let’s make clean transportation accessible for all Californians

Note: This op-ed originally appeared in the Daily Californian on July 14, 2021:   Low-income communities of color suffer the most from air pollution, climate change and inadequate transportation choices. These communities with the greatest need have been last in line to receive the benefits of clean mobility. That’s why the Coalition for Clean Air … Read more

COVID-19: Both a threat and an opportunity for clean transportation

COVID-19’s public health threat is clear. In just four months, over 104,000 Americans have died during the pandemic. The virus’s death toll already exceeds the United States’ combined military fatalities during the Korean, Vietnam, Gulf, Afghan, and Iraq Wars – a period that stretches roughly 40 years. These numbers are sobering and tragic, but COVID-19’s … Read more

A Just Transition for California: the 2018 CCEC Convening

“Inequality is a manufactured crisis” – Dr. Mijin Cha at the 2018 CCEC Convening When you think of climate change, it’s natural to think of melting glaciers. Perhaps you also think of intensifying disasters like droughts, wildfires and hurricanes. Certainly, these effects of climate change have real consequences for our communities, California and beyond. However, … Read more