Updates From the Capitol: Improving California’s Key Transportation Programs

This year has been tough for clean transportation in California. With the State making budget cuts and a powerful highway lobby pushing back, the Coalition for Clean Air and our allies have had our work cut out for us. CCA is one of the leaders of a climate budget defense campaign that seeks to protect … Read more

CCA’s Policy Forecast for the Coming Year

Updates From the Capitol: Improving California’s Key Transportation Programs This year has been tough for clean transportation in California. With the State making budget cuts and a powerful highway lobby pushing back, the Coalition for Clean Air and our allies have had our work cut out for us. CCA is one of the leaders of … Read more

CCA: Decades of Impact – 2010 and Beyond

2010 and Beyond If you’ve made it this far, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading these. I’m very grateful to Nicole Roberts, our Development Director and Dr. Joe Lyou, our President and CEO for allowing me the time and space to write these blogs and dig into CCA’s history. Like any … Read more

CCA: Decades of Impact – The 1980s

Air quality in California is a tale of challenge and progress, obstacle and victory. For over five decades, the Coalition for Clean Air (CCA) has been at the forefront of this fight, working tirelessly to clear the skies and ensure healthier air for all Californians. Over the next few weeks, we’re going to explore CCA’s … Read more

Legislative Wrap-Up: What does it all mean for Climate and Air Quality?

With the arrival of cooler weather, the California Legislature has wrapped up for the year and vacated the Capitol. This session has been a tough one for many climate and clean air priorities as many bills failed to gather enough support to pass the floor vote. At the same time, there have been several hard-fought … Read more

Updates from the Capitol

As the weather turns warm and sunny, the Legislative Session is in full swing, working on a yearly process that pushes thousands of bills through the legislative process. Most recently, the Assembly and Senate held a number of floor sessions, where members voted on every bill before them on whether it should pass to the … Read more

California’s Legislature can bring us Cleaner Transportation this Year by Passing these Bills

This is the time of year when the California Legislature puts bills through their initial policy committee hearings, and CCA is actively supporting a number of measures to reduce the emissions that cause air pollution and global warming. Since 80% of California’s air pollution, and 50% of its greenhouse pollution, come from transportation, most of … Read more

Fighting for Clean Air Project by Project: Proposals in Southeast LA Provide a Lesson in the Fight for Clean Air

In the fight for clean air, we tend to think of the big milestone moments. We can make a huge difference, however, when we pay attention to the ‘implementation’ phase of the policies that California has set forth. The Coalition for Clean Air and groups like us spend a lot of time trying to make … Read more