Dead End Road: California Agencies Continue to Invest in Highway Expansions

Dead End road sign barrier against a background of a dark and ominous sky

California prides itself on being the land of opportunity. It is a place that welcomes all and inspires with its unique diversity of life, nature, and cultures. Yet over the past seventy years, our state has spent billions of funding on highway expansion projects that increase poverty, reduce the quality of life, separate communities, destroy … Read more

Less than 2% is NOT OK

You’ve probably seen the headlines: “Wealthy billionaire gives huge sum to fight climate change”. Here’s the reality. Less than 2% of all giving goes toward fighting the biggest threat mankind has ever seen. Any guess what percentage goes to improving air quality? We would love to know! The amounts are so small they don’t even … Read more

Stories of Clean Air

picture of climate activists holding signs

Giving Tuesday isn’t about bragging, though we could point to big wins here and here and here. It isn’t about donor education, though we could point out that we have a platinum charity rating. And it isn’t about the results of our work, though we could point out that the smog we’ve helped clean up … Read more

TAKE ACTION: Tell CA to #investincleanair and support clean, equitable transportation

California has the worst air quality in the nation, and more than half of our state’s global warming pollution comes from cars, trucks and the fuel they burn. Lawmakers in Sacramento are now deciding how to spend the record budget surplus. Join us in calling for historic investments in clean air. Urgent: Tell your legislators … Read more

ACTION ALERT! Invest in Clean and Equitable Transportation

Transportation pollution is California’s largest driver of climate change and the number one reason our state has the MOST polluted air in the nation. Thankfully, Governor Newsom and state legislators have a historic opportunity to approve major investments in clean and equitable transportation programs in this year’s state budget. This is URGENT: We must ensure that our state lawmakers pass a budget that invests in clean cars, … Read more

Yes on Measure US in Long Beach

Confronting systemic racism is an uncomfortable, awkward, and emotional experience. Yet, ignoring it is not an option. As Long Beach begins the hard but necessary work of addressing systemic racism, we cannot overlook one of its most insidious forms: environmental racism. This November, Long Beach voters can begin addressing environmental racism by voting for Measure … Read more

The Los Angeles Summer of Smog

California always makes headlines for its dedication to clean energy. Just last month Governor Brown signed SB 100, setting a target for emissions-free electricity generation by 2045. The state’s resilient commitment to climate science is heard around the world. But these stories mask a painful truth: the state had a historically bad summer of air … Read more

Action Alert! Support Clean Air the Senate Clean Transportation Action Plan

Take a stand for clean air! California can only improve its air quality by transforming the vehicles we drive. Cars, trucks and other vehicles are responsible for most of the air pollution in the state. Reducing emissions from California’s vehicles is a daunting challenge. However, thanks to California’s climate program, we have a golden opportunity … Read more