ACTION ALERT: Tell Governor Newsom to take Urgent Action on Protecting Clean Air

Governor Newsom has only one week left to make changes to California law by signing or vetoing bills. In the last few weeks, the Governor has been instrumental in passing a number of influential bills, including the 40-bill Legislative Climate Package, many of which the Coalition for Clean Air had worked to support. However, as the legislative session slowly wraps up, there are still a number of influential bills remaining on the Governor’s desk. We need your help to convince the Governor’s office to sign these important bills into law. 

In particular, we are urging the Governor to sign AB 2438 (Friedman) and SB 457 (Portantino). These two bills will help reduce greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions by ensuring that the state transportation funding is spent on climate-friendly projects and that Californians are rewarded for their decision to stop driving and use other modes of transportation, such as public transportation, bicycling, or walking. We need your support to push these bills across the final finish line. 

Action Alert

Please contact Governor Newsom today to urge him to sign AB 2438 and SB 457.

Call Governor Newsom: (916) 445-2841
Email: Click here for a link to the contact form.

AB 2438 (Friedman) – Climate-Friendly Transportation Funding

What this bill does: This bill would align transportation funding with the state’s priority of protecting the climate by reducing emissions.

Why this bill is needed:

    • Nearly 50% of California’s GHG emissions are generated by the transportation sector. Vehicle emissions are also a source of ozone and particulate matter pollution, which are estimated to cause between 100,000 and 200,00 premature deaths in the US annually.
    • A recent report published by the Strategic Growth Council found that only 2% of the current transportation funding is in alignment with our state’s climate mandates.
    • AB 2438 must pass this year to ensure that funding for our transportation systems emphasizes air quality, climate, health, equity, and good jobs, especially as our state receives a major influx of federal transportation funding.
  • Call or email the Governor today to tell him you support aligning transportation funding with climate targets. 

SB 457 (Portantino) – Income Tax Credits to Car-Free Households

What this bill does: This bill would provide families with no registered vehicles $1,000 in income tax credits, giving incentives for households to shift from using single-occupancy vehicles to other modes of transportation. 

Why this bill is needed:

    • About 10 million households in the US do not have access to a vehicle. 
    • This bill would be the first to provide incentives for those without access to vehicles, helping these families afford public transportation, bicycles, and ride-sharing programs.
    • By encouraging fewer people to drive, we can reduce the number of cars on the road. This can result in fewer greenhouse gas emissions, better air quality, less traffic, and a more efficient transportation system overall.
  • Call or email the Governor today to tell him you support incentives for car-free households


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