Thank You For Making Playgrounds Safe Again

We get it. Talking about the freight transportation system in California is not the most exciting topic in the world. It is, however, one of the most important. When half the cancer-causing diesel particulate matter produced in California comes from this sector, it can’t be ignored.

This is why we need to send you a very big thank you for supporting our work this year. Governor Brown’s Executive Order on Freight, gave hope to our communities by setting a goal of transitioning to new technologies, improving freight efficiency, and increasing competitiveness.  In a state where 9 out of 10 Californians still live in counties with unhealthy air quality, this is welcome news. While we are proud to recognize great examples of demonstration projects like Long Beach Container Terminal, we know that lasting change will come from better policies today.

Your support has been instrumental in helping us push for policies that have been transformative. From historic wins like the creation of California’s original smog check program to recent legislation aimed at putting one million electric cars on California roads by 2023, we’re getting results: a 70 percent reduction in smog in the Los Angeles area since 1980, 100,000 electric cars sold in California since 2010 and more than $800 million invested in programs to combat greenhouse gasses since 2014.

We know that our work is nuanced and technical in nature, but at the end of the day it’s about people. It’s people without lung disease. It’s more children in school because they don’t have asthma. It’s healthier and more vibrant communities. It’s playgrounds free of air pollution. It’s about all of us working toward a more sustainable future.

You make t his possible. Thank you for supporting the Coalition for Clean Air. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.







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