Despite budget cuts, some clean air wins

The 2024-2025 State Budget agreement represents a major setback for California’s climate and clean air commitments. For the second straight year, California will delay and cut hundreds of millions of dollars in climate investments. These cuts will impact California’s efforts to deploy clean vehicles, expand transit as well as build biking and pedestrian infrastructure. Further, … Read more

CCA Statement on CARB Passing Historic Rules on Trucks and Rail

“With its actions over the last 2 days, California’s Air Resources Board has taken historic steps to clean up our air. Adoption of the In-Use Locomotives and Advanced Clean Fleets rules will significantly reduce toxic diesel exhaust from trains and trucks, allowing millions of Californians to breathe without as much risk of disease and death … Read more

Fighting for Clean Air Project by Project: Proposals in Southeast LA Provide a Lesson in the Fight for Clean Air

In the fight for clean air, we tend to think of the big milestone moments. We can make a huge difference, however, when we pay attention to the ‘implementation’ phase of the policies that California has set forth. The Coalition for Clean Air and groups like us spend a lot of time trying to make … Read more

Zero-Emission Trucks Coming to Southern California

To meet our air quality and climate goals, we need to tackle some of the biggest polluters on our roads: heavy duty trucks. Though trucks represent just 2 million of the 30 million registered vehicles in the state, they are the largest single source of air pollution from vehicles. The California Air Resources Board study … Read more

Can California Make Transportation Climate-Friendly? This New Plan Will Help.

Last month the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA), with CCA’s support, adopted its Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure (CAPTI), after a lengthy public process that began with Governor Newsom’s Executive Order in September of 2019. CAPTI sets a framework for planning transportation in a way that doesn’t further destroy the environment, the economy, or … Read more

The Legislature’s unfinished business: the 2021 end of session

California’s Legislature returns to the Capitol on August 16 to begin the four-week home stretch of this year’s session, with the fates of hundreds of bills to be decided. Here are some of the bills we’re working on: RELIEF FROM THOSE NOISY, SMELLY LEAF BLOWERS AND LAWN MOWERS Shockingly, the smog-forming emissions from small off-road … Read more

Statement of CCA CEO/President Joe Lyou on the Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure

Statement of Joe Lyou, CEO of Coalition for Clean Air and CTC Commissioner, on the Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure (CAPTI): “We support CAPTI because it adds equity, climate, air pollution, and health priorities into our transportation decision making. The state should only spend transportation dollars in ways that reduce the emissions that cause … Read more

Statement of Bill Magavern, Coalition for Clean Air Policy Director, on the 2021-2022 California budget and clean transportation funding

For immediate release Friday, June 29, 2021   “We are pleased that substantial funding for zero-emission vehicles and infrastructure was included in today’s budget, because cleaning up transportation is essential to solving our twin crises of air pollution and climate change. In particular, the record investments in clean trucks and buses will reduce the toxic … Read more