ACTION ALERT: Governor Newsom is attempting to postpone smog checks for heavy-duty trucks

[message_box text_color=”light”] Action Alert Governor Newsom’s May budget revise cuts funding from and delays implementation of the smog check program for heavy-duty trucks established by SB 210. Email Governor Gavin Newsom, your state Senator, and your state Assemblymember and urge them to adopt a trailer bill to SB 210 that imposes a July 1, 2022 … Read more

Free Transit for Young and Old: A Good Idea is Coming of Age in the Legislature

Three Assemblymembers are taking bold action this legislative year to make California the first state to offer free transit for key age groups. California is seeing higher fares for public transportation across the state, which has contributed to decreases in ridership. As ridership numbers continue to decline, providing fare-free transit could be the solution we … Read more