Hank Wedaa was a Clean Air Hero and a pioneer of hydrogen fuel-cell history

When Henry “Hank” Wedaa passed away last month, California lost a strong advocate for clean air and a pioneer of hydrogen fuel cell history. We’re saddened by his passing, and deeply honored to recognize Hank Wedaa posthumously as a Clean Air Hero. “Courage, commitment, leadership, and wisdom. These,” said Coalition for Clean Air President & … Read more

Clean Air Hero Wendy James and the birth of EV activism

We are deeply honored to present our next Clean Air Hero Award to Wendy James, the founder and recently retired leader of the Better World Group and a tireless advocate for clean air. Over the course of her career, James has been instrumental in securing a litany of environmental victories for California and has dedicated … Read more

Clean Air Hero Francisco Posada: The story behind the Volkswagen emissions scandal

Photo of Francisco Posada with arms crossed in front of a blurred out background of a street.

We’re honored to present our next Clean Air Hero award to Francisco Posada, a senior researcher at The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT). Posada’s work was instrumental in breaking the 2015 “dieselgate” Volkswagen emissions scandal, removing 600,000 polluting vehicles from the road in the U.S. and millions more worldwide and leading to a multibillion-dollar … Read more

Anger and Hope for the Future Fuels Clean-Air Hero Genevieve Gale

By Rocky Rushing Clean-air advocate Genevieve Gale gives no hint to what hides just beneath her pleasant smile and disposition when she talks about her work as policy associate for the Central Valley Air Quality Coalition (CVAQ) and the struggle for environmental justice. But ask this 27-year old Fresno resident about what fuels her fight … Read more

And the Clean Air Hero Award Goes to…

Clean Air Hero Award – Shabaka Heru It is our honor to present this month’s Clean Air Hero Award to Shabaka Heru This month we wish to posthumously recognize a true hero in the fight for environmental justice: Shabaka Heru. As founder of both the Community Coalition for Change and the Society for Positive Actions, … Read more