Leading with Equity: Evaluating and Advancing California’s Climate Investments

Leading with Equity: Evaluating and Advancing California’s Climate Investments

October 15, 2015

As one of the leaders of the SB 535 Coalition, along with the Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN), The Greenlining Institute, and Public Advocates, we organized the first annual statewide

How to Read What the Legislature Did on Climate and Energy

September 14, 2015

As has been widely reported, a particularly dishonest campaign by the Western States Petroleum Association, combined with the tendency of a large bloc of Assembly Democrats (and all of the

Rosa Parks Station Upgrade Underscores Need for Public Transit Investment

Rosa Parks Station Upgrade Underscores Need for Public Transit Investment

September 3, 2015

On Saturday, Coalition for Clean Air President Dr. Joe Lyou spoke at a press conference announcing a $39 million upgrade to the Rosa Parks Blue Line Station in South Los

Low-Income Electric Carsharing Program Coming to Los Angeles

Low-Income Electric Carsharing Program Coming to Los Angeles

July 31, 2015

The California Air Resources Board (ARB) has offered $1.6 million to the City of Los Angeles to set up a pilot carsharing program for electric vehicles in disadvantaged communities. The

Governor Brown’s Executive Order on Freight Transportation

Governor Brown’s Executive Order on Freight Transportation

July 17, 2015

Governor Brown has stepped up his commitment to clean air with today’s executive order on freight transportation. We commend the Governor for prioritizing sustainable freight, and we look forward to

SB 535 Funding Puts Affordable Housing Near Transit

June 30, 2015

The Strategic Growth Council today approved $121.9 million in funding for 28 projects that link affordable housing to clean transportation – simultaneously promoting clean air, addressing the state’s affordable housing

Kids Making Sense!

June 23, 2015

We’re excited to announce the Kids Making Sense Program! We are partnering with Sonoma Tech and Dana Middle School in San Pedro to bring air quality into the classroom. This

Air Pollution 101 and AQI Training

June 17, 2015

Nick Burant and Fabiola Lao, our esteemed Policy Associate and Deputy Policy Director, ran an Air Pollution 101 and Air Quality Index training in Long Beach. We are posting the

Bringing the Sun’s Power to Rooftops All Over

Bringing the Sun’s Power to Rooftops All Over

May 21, 2015

On Monday I was privileged to participate in the Sacramento kick-off of a new program that uses charges on big polluters to bring clean energy to households in disadvantaged communities.

Los Angeles is on Its Way to Becoming a More Sustainable City

Los Angeles is on Its Way to Becoming a More Sustainable City

May 14, 2015

Last month Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti introduced his ambitious new Sustainable City pLAn. It presents a clear vision, a “roadmap for a Los Angeles that is environmentally healthy, economically

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