California Poised to Take Actions to Reduce Freight Emissions

April 22, 2015

On Thursday, California’s Air Resources Board will discuss actions it can take to reduce air pollution from the movement of goods. ARB staff will present their Discussion Draft, “Sustainable Freight:

Methane: The often forgotten, but very important greenhouse gas

Methane: The often forgotten, but very important greenhouse gas

April 3, 2015

Recently the Coalition for Clean Air co-sponsored the California Methane Symposium organized by Climate Resolve and Environmental Defense Fund, and we were delighted to see a crowd of over 100

What’s next for California’s fight against climate change? A recap of A Toast to Clearing the Air

March 24, 2015

Where California leads the way, others follow. That was the message at our annual “Toast to Clearing the Air” event in Sacramento last Wednesday.  Over 120 of California’s government, business

Cleaner Air Means Healthier Children

Cleaner Air Means Healthier Children

March 6, 2015

A 20-year study released yesterday by the University of Southern California (USC) researchers found that better air quality resulted in improved lung development in children. We don’t often see good

Loving on Electric Vehicles

Loving on Electric Vehicles

February 13, 2015

We know that exhaust from cars, trucks and buses pollute our air and contribute to climate change. So what do electric vehicles have to do with air quality? Unlike gasoline

Can California Kick the Oil Habit?

Can California Kick the Oil Habit?

February 10, 2015

Oil has had a grip on the Golden State for too long. More than 90% of our transportation energy comes from petroleum, and the production, refining, and use of petroleum

CCA Welcomes New Development Director Brian Sheridan

February 5, 2015

Brian Sheridan joined the Coalition for Clean Air as the new Development Director in October. He has over 14 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, most recently with the

How the Port of LA Could Reduce Pollution

January 29, 2015

The Clean Truck Program at the Port of LA instituted a progressive ban on polluting trucks at the Port. It is a vital part of the Ports’ Clean Air Action

CCA Welcomes New Deputy Policy Director Fabiola P. Lao

January 23, 2015

Fabiola P. Lao recently joined the Coalition for Clean Air (CCA) as our new Deputy Policy Director. She will be responsible for our Climate Justice program in Los Angeles and

No Idling Around: CCA and Grades of Green Team Up to Stop Idling Around Schools

January 6, 2015

Grades of Green Youth Corps student, Antonio, continues his campaign to have California adopt “No Idle Zone” legislation for passenger vehicles when they are waiting in the pick up line

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